Dance has always been a huge passion of mine, since I could walk.
Growing up I was always the first to be up and moving to the rhythm. I took classes here and there but mostly would spend my time choreographing my own dances with friends and family.
During my high school years, my love for choreography took off and achieved my certificate in Dance and Creative Arts. As a part of this subject, I was teaching other classes contemporary, jazz, and lyrical hip hop routines to perform within our arts studio for performances. I also enjoyed planning and organising the performances.
I had several opportunities as a dance teacher in Adelaide, one of those was working with DanceSA. After 7 years of teaching in 2015, I relocated to Kalgoorlie, WA and operate machines. A few years later I had 3 beautiful children.
During this time, I missed the dance space and realised this is where my enjoyment and passion lies. I reconnected with the Director of DanceSA and am ecstatic to be kick starting the DanceWA business for our communities across Perth.
Teaching brings so much happiness into my life, I feel thankful to provide enjoyment through dance classes and share this with our students each week. I look forward to helping them gain confidence to get up and perform on stage!